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It’s Good to be Board!

February 7, 2022 Tim Roettiger 1

DISCLAIMER: This article describes an advanced training technique that should be approached with caution. Toughen Up! As martial artists, one of the most important things we need to do is to “toughen up” or “condition” our hands. This can be accomplished in many ways and must be done progressively. One [Read More]

Heavy (Bag) Thoughts

January 7, 2022 Tim Roettiger 0

Ah, the venerable heavy bag! Is there anything else that says “this is a real fighters’ gym” more than the presence of a heavy bag dangling from chain? It is just so basic an item that its absence is immediately noted. Due to its versatility, it deserves its special place [Read More]

anger can be calmed with de-escalation

The Value of Verbal De-escalation Skills

October 19, 2021 Jenni Siu 0

“What would you do if someone was drunk and in your face, and a whole lot bigger than you?” My instructor grabbed the front of my uniform in his fist, and shook me slightly to emphasize his point. Standing a foot taller than me and outweighing me by about 100 [Read More]

Juggling for the Martial Arts: Supercharge Your Skills

September 9, 2021 Andrew Zerling 5

Introduction Metal weapons clashed violently together in combat. On the Great Wall of China, over two thousand years ago, ancient Chinese warriors were defending their country against brutal nomadic invaders. Warriors of the past greatly relied on their mind-body skills and not fancy technology. In fact, some ancient Chinese warriors [Read More]

Slow Galapagos Tortoise

The Magic of Slow

April 24, 2020 Jeremy Lesniak 1

As martial artists, we spend a lot of time pursuing increased speed, strength, and highlighting ideal technique selection. These pursuits are time well spent, certainly. The other end of the spectrum, that of the slow and contemplative, is often left solely as the domain of the novice. This is truly [Read More]


Why Incorporate Qi into Your Training?

August 12, 2019 Jonathan Snowiss 1

Have you practiced qi as a part of your training yet? This is a short essay on a topic that deserves a few volumes of books, which would cover medicine, ecology, diet, exercise, social studies, and meditation, among many other subjects. I have oversimplified and skipped many elements to help [Read More]


Nutrition/Health, Life and Martial Arts

August 1, 2019 Jonathan Snowiss 0

Have you practiced today? Outside The Studio Or Dojo Martial art skills are taught in a dojo or studio and the lessons are integrated into our being every day by how we live our lives. Besides fighting skills and exercise, it forms our thoughts, teaches us morality, and gives us [Read More]

Open your hips

Open Your Hips

May 22, 2019 Anna Gruszczynska 3

Open Your Hips: Intermediate/Advanced Routine Tight hips, and the resulting lack of range of motion, is a nightmare of the modern world. We sit most of the time during the day, we drive a lot, and we tend to spend our free time also in a sitting position. Luckily for [Read More]


Three Benefits Of Practicing With Nunchakus

March 12, 2019 David Ianetta 0

The year is 1981 and I’m sixteen years old. My aunt Annette is cutting my hair in her kitchen in Saugus, Massachusetts. Suddenly she stops and addresses me in a tone only children with Sicilian relatives can understand. “David, what have you been doing to your head?” Clueless I reach [Read More]

Assisted Stretching

Assisted Stretching Before Martial Arts Practice

March 8, 2019 Anna Gruszczynska 3

Don’t Skip The Stretching Stretching is important for training in any sport. We all know the importance of it. As martial artists, we usually stretch before class. Stretching alone increases flexibility and range of motion. When possible, stretching with a partner – using his/her body weight – is an advanced [Read More]

Indian Clubs

Indian Clubs For Shoulder Mobility

January 2, 2019 Anna Gruszczynska 4

How Using Indian Clubs Can Improve Shoulder Mobility Many of us live a sedentary lifestyle. We sit at a desk, drive, and watch TV on the couch. Many suffer the upper crossed syndrome, a posture where your head leans forward, your shoulders round, and your muscles become too tight and [Read More]

Kinesiology Tape

Taping the Knee for Martial Arts

December 6, 2018 Anna Gruszczynska 2

Introduction If you’re a martial artist, you may have suffered a sore or injured knee at some point in your training. This article offers Kinesiology Taping (KT) as one way to assist with painful knees. You may be familiar with taping to immobilize a joint. That approach may be required [Read More]