A Light in the Darkness

May 3, 2022 Raz Chen 0

My job is to teach people how to be safe. That’s how I earn a living and the central focus of my study. I know even if I won the lottery tomorrow, it’s still how I would devote my time.  That doesn’t make it any easier when the world around [Read More]

Round House Punch

Martial Arts Meta Training

May 2, 2022 Santanu Rahman 0

Toxic Masculinity. Cancel Culture. Addiction to food, drugs, social media, etc. Martial arts training is more relevant and needed today than ever before. But not necessarily in the ways of the 70’s through the 2010s. That was the era of martial arts as a means of dominance either over another [Read More]

Ten Things I Learned in 7 Seasons

April 19, 2022 Jason Brick 0

I’m not here to talk about myself, but a short bio will give what I’m about to say some context. After 37 years of training, 13 years of journalism, and 21 years as a dad, I started a podcast. Safest Family on the Block is where I take that experience [Read More]

The Art Of Enhancing Life

The Art Of Enhancing Life

April 14, 2022 Francis Cordon 2

Listening to What I Already Heard Even though I have been following Iain Abernethy for many years, it was my friend and great martial artist and physical therapist David Wallace who made me aware of this fundamentally important teaching of Mr. Abernethy’s. It was during this fascinating conversation with him [Read More]

a practice session involving a solid side-kick!

Practice What You Can’t Do

April 6, 2022 Tim Roettiger 1

Creativity to Stagnation If you have read any of my previous articles, you know that I always encourage martial artists to find what works for them and to create their own art. In so doing, I am careful to emphasize the continuing search aspect of creating one’s own art. This [Read More]

Reducing Martial Arts-Related Stress

April 4, 2022 Melanie Gibson 2

April is Stress Awareness Month. Most of us are unfortunately very “aware” of our own stress, but how often do we make the time to address it in a healthy way? Stress is how your brain and body respond to a challenge or demand. Your body may respond in a [Read More]

My top 5 fighting video games

By now if you’ve read any of my articles you know I’m a huge nerd. A martial arts nerd, of course, but also in general. I’m very much into comics, manga, anime and, of course, video games. Nowadays I’m more into single player rpgs, puzzle platformers and metroidvania like stuff. [Read More]

The Krav Maga Mindset

March 30, 2022 Elizabeth Chen 1

Many of the survivors I have worked with over the years have asked me: “when will it stop?” When I ask them what they mean, they say, “when do you stop seeing everyone as a threat?” I survived physical abuse as a child; I understand the question. My Krav Maga [Read More]

An Instructor Who Was Ready

March 29, 2022 Raz Chen 0

After the army, I transitioned back to becoming a civilian instructor. It was not exactly a smooth transition. I was forged in the military Krav Maga that was geared to take teenagers and turn them into warriors. Now, I was back to teaching regular civilians. Gone was the discipline and [Read More]

Learn Something

Why You Should Attend a Martial Arts Seminar

March 15, 2022 Chris Rickard 0

If I did a good job last time talking to the hosts and instructors, hopefully before long there will be a Martial Arts Seminar near you. Hopefully you’ll know about it.  Hopefully you’ll be interested and able to attend it. If no one attends seminars, seminars tend to not happen. [Read More]

The Art Of Observation

The Art Of Observation

March 7, 2022 Francis Cordon 0

“Be a calm beholder of what is happening around you.” ~Bruce Lee Here’s a hypothetical dialogue between two friends. One that, though hypothetical, represents something that happens to every one of us almost daily at work, at home and throughout the various interactions of our day. A: “Let me show [Read More]

The Tip of the Iceberg

March 2, 2022 Jason Brick 2

I’ve been training for nearly 40 years at this point, and have never tired of it. I love getting on the deck and learning/practicing/refining ways to ruin the day of some miscreant who intends harm on me, mine, or some bystander I can protect. Most martial artists (and most people [Read More]

An Instructor Becomes a Leader

February 23, 2022 Raz Chen 0

As a martial arts teacher, it’s our job to sometimes be the bad guy and give a little taste of harsh reality in a controlled environment. The mat is a safe place to learn lessons that would keep them safe in the real world. Those lessons can sometimes be very [Read More]