BJJ Training

Real Life Benefits of Learning Jiu-Jitsu

December 12, 2022 Mike Jones 3

Do you want to completely transform your life positively and become an unrecognizable person to your peers? If so, martial arts and jiu-jitsu is the best way to get this accomplished. Self-improvement always starts with your health, when you get this in line the building blocks for transforming your life [Read More]

martial arts training

Why Every Martial Arts Requires Flexibility

July 1, 2022 Mike Jones 0

Martial arts is a dynamic sport. It allows its practitioners to stand up to oppression and defend themselves and others. As the popularity of martial arts grew, it evolved into multiple disciplines and crossed over to other sparring sports. Different martial artists practice martial arts for different reasons. Some do [Read More]

Gi VS No-Gi which is practical

BJJ Gi or No-Gi – What’s More Practical?

June 7, 2022 Mike Jones 1

The debate on the practicality of BJJ Gi or No-Gi has been around for decades and is growing more intense with every passing day. The modern BJJ circuit is divided over the practicality of these forms of grappling. One school of thought believes that it is impossible to be good [Read More]