2022 Never Settle Awards

2022 Never Settle Award recipients & nominees (L - R) Stephen Watson, Dennis Campo, Kellie Thomas, Danielle Mathura-Millholen
Never Settle Award recipients & nominees (L - R) Stephen Watson, Dennis Campo, Kellie Thomas, Danielle Mathura-Millholen
2022 Never Settle Awards recipients & nominees (L - R) Stephen Watson, Dennis Campo, Kellie Thomas, Danielle Mathura-Millholen
Never Settle Awards recipients & nominees (L – R) Stephen Watson, Dennis Campo, Kellie Thomas, Danielle Mathura-Millholen

This past November, after Free Training Day Northeast, many people stuck around for the first-ever Never Settle Awards. We’ve talked about these awards here in Martial Journal prior, but this is our first time in these pages announcing the winners.


Stephen Watson

Stephen Watson is an unquestionable emissary of martial arts. He will teach anyone, anywhere, and works tirelessly to share all that is good about martial arts and to spread good cheer to all members of the martial arts community.  Stephen lives the arts and he embodies what a true martial artist should be and what martial arts is all about. His interaction with his local community as well as the martial arts community at large is unparalleled. Says one nominator: “When I watch him, I don’t see a man upholding tradition through graceful movement and unrestrained flowing of energy through the body, but someone who lives the tradition as fervently as those who set it in place in the fabric of the internal arts. To see that is awesome, and to learn and play from someone like that changes you.”  Those that know him are proud to call him both a friend and a teacher.


Julianna Sances

Julianna Sances was nominated by someone who has known her since she was about 5 years old. She is an active member at her school, enjoying teaching and passing on her knowledge to younger students. Julianna has a big heart and deep respect for the arts which was proven when recently organizing an entire makeover of the dojo she attends, including a paint job and completely new office decor to surprise the head instructor. Julianna has been an inspiration to many who have watched her perform as a martial artist, dancer, singer, and actress. Her instructor notes, “Julianna’s talent, spirit, kindness, creativity, and strength combine to make her not only an outstanding martial artist and Black Belt but also an amazing student, teacher, and person.” Julianna earned this award for all the good she brings to others’ lives.


TKD K.I.C.K.S. and Kellie Thomas

Kellie has truly developed a family in her school T.K.D. Kicks. –  kids are welcomed and loved. They feel comfortable being encouraged and pushed to new milestones. She’s compassionate and wants to know the students, to best connect with them to meet them where they’re at in their training. She creates family-friendly days to include anyone else in the families to participate and have fun. The bond is so strong between the families. One of her nominations stated, “Even if we don’t know each other yet and are meeting for the first time, we all know we are family. We all encourage each other and cheer each other on, no matter the level. We help lift each other when times are hard” .Some of the kids have conditions that create challenges and barriers in training. You wouldn’t even know it when they’re at TKD Kicks! Kellie has created an amazing, inclusive environment.


Scott Lombardo

Scott Lombardo established a dojo that is free to any veteran. He worked with amputees, wheelchair-bound individuals, as well as those with traumatic injury or experience. He received the Outstanding Achievement Award from the Governor of New Hampshire. He was a master at using martial arts to overcome any obstacle. He overcame stage 4 cancer, training for a year in a hospital bed, and working with his sensei. Diagnosed with ALS at age 55, he continued teaching and training. When COVID struck, he taught online every week and typed in commands or instructed by example when his voice started to fade and became unable to speak. After losing his mobility. he continued to teach from his wheelchair until the week he passed in April 2022.

He left a big footprint by giving us the VMAT center and by inspiring everyone who came in contact with him.

2023 Never Settle Awards

Stay tuned for the 2023 Never Settle Awards from whistlekick.

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Jeremy Lesniak founded whistlekick in 2010 because he wanted better sparring gear.

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  1. Flashlight Award - 2022 By no means Settle Awards - Worldwide News
  2. Footprint Award - 2022 By no means Settle Awards - Worldwide News

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