A 21st Century Instructor

A 21st Century Instructor

August 31, 2021 Craig Wharem 0

A 21st Century Instructor The world since the pandemic has changed. The very nature of martial arts instruction has changed in many aspects. When confronted with Covid-19 martial arts instructors all over the world were subjected to the ultimate test. Partner work was gone, in-person instruction was gone and that [Read More]

Defense Against a Cyber Bully

Martial Arts Against Cyberbullying

August 27, 2021 Jason Brick 0

I’m a nerd. Jeremy’s a nerd. My favorite sparring partner is a nerd. There’s a lot of nerds in martial arts, as I’m sure you’ve noticed. I personally suspect that’s because of the following common process: Step 1: Nerdy kid gets bullied Step 2: Nerdy kid takes martial arts lessons [Read More]

Always respect others

The Art Of Respect

August 25, 2021 Francis Cordon 0

Always respects others and their decisions   “What is this guy doing?” The words are said in the privacy of my car, and do not really reach the driver of the vehicle they are aimed at. I am on my way to my regular training session when I say these [Read More]

One Step at a Time

August 23, 2021 Elke Weiss 1

I saw a friend at school I hadn’t seen for two years. I was so happy and excited, I couldn’t wait to hit the mat with them. “Wow, what rank are you now?” they asked.  It didn’t feel comfortable to tell them that despite stellar attendance and a lot of [Read More]

Representation in Martial Arts Media

August 17, 2021 Dane Manson 1

Disclaimer I am a white male living in an area of the UK that is not known for cultural diversity. I have recently had my eyes opened to the cultural impact of subversive racism. The same subversive racism that permeates most of western culture and am trying to reflect on [Read More]

The Partial Artist

Managing Nerves for Competition

August 16, 2021 Valéry Brosseau 0

Any competitive sport brings on strong emotions. In many martial arts, those emotions are compounded by the intense physicality of the sport and the fact that it puts us in positions and situations that are uncomfortable, if not painful. As competitors we no doubt have experienced a sense of self-doubt, [Read More]

What’s In A Name? That which we call Taekwondo

August 9, 2021 Donivan Blair 0

Taekwondo is translated as “the art of kicking and punching.” But what is that exactly? Yes, the translation is from the Korean language but wouldn’t ALL martial arts fit in this category? Agree with me or not, it’s just an opinion/observation. Forward all hate mail to doni@keepittoyourself.com. For the past [Read More]

time to rest and relax

Take A Load Off Your Fanny

August 6, 2021 Donivan Blair 2

I met a guy once (no, it’s not THAT kind of article) at a bookstore (see?). He was a cashier at my favorite haunt in Dallas, Half Price Books. I had been perusing the martial arts section in my latest attempt to get on up, get into it and get [Read More]


My Krav Maga Journey

August 3, 2021 Raz Chen 1

Krav Maga can be boiled down to a few key concepts. One of them is that we must live outside our comfort zone. I was never someone who enjoyed writing as a hobby, and suddenly, I’m committing to writing an article a month here at Martial Journal as well as [Read More]

Is The Grass Greener?

August 2, 2021 Donivan Blair 0

As a kid I spent hours drawing with crayons, tongue out of the side my mouth in thought, left hand cranking out masterpiece. My brain couldn’t count as high as the 48 colors in the box but I took a crack at using everyone one of the options offered on [Read More]