Sometimes, you need to sit out for the sake of safety. And admire my cute Krav socks

Be Willing to Say No

December 13, 2022 Elke Weiss 1

Grandmaster Imi Lichtenfled, founder of Krav Maga broke some of his ribs while training for the 1935 Maccabiah sports game. He was not able to compete. He promised himself a key part of his training would be to always avoid all injuries if possible. As my first instructor, Alon Dagan [Read More]

BJJ Training

Real Life Benefits of Learning Jiu-Jitsu

December 12, 2022 Mike Jones 3

Do you want to completely transform your life positively and become an unrecognizable person to your peers? If so, martial arts and jiu-jitsu is the best way to get this accomplished. Self-improvement always starts with your health, when you get this in line the building blocks for transforming your life [Read More]

The use of Empty Hands id Dekiti Tirsia Siradas Kali

December 2, 2022 Mark Warner 0

Although known primarily as a blade/weapon art Dekiti Tirsia has numerous empty-hand techniques that it can call upon in an instant for use in self-defense situations. The Philippines is located right at the juxtaposition of many Asian/Southeast Asian countries that each have a unique martial art. There has always been [Read More]

A moment in time of Dekiti Tirsia Siradas training

Double Sticks in Dekiti Tirsia Siradas Kali

December 1, 2022 Mark Warner 0

Click, click, click, click…the very melodic sound of double stick training in Dekiti Tirsia Siradas, and that is the topic of this months article. Baseline In Dekit Tirsia Siradas, as in all FMA (Filipino martial arts), we want to keep all the moves as practical and combative as possible. However, [Read More]