Martial Word Wednesday “Maai; 間合い”

February 24, 2021 Jaredd Wilson 0

Martial Word Wednesday “Maai; 間合い” Origin: Japanese There are many Japanese words in martial arts that we try to translate into English, and don’t do justice to the term. Maai is one of those words.  It’s often translated as “distance.” In Aikido, it’s described as “finger-tip distance.” As illustrated in [Read More]

Martial Word Wednesday: Shifu (師父)

February 10, 2021 Justin Lee Ford 0

師父 (Shīfù) Origin: Chinese (Mandarin) Pause, breath, and show gratitude. You are a product of both nature and nurture, many people and many experiences have helped shape you into, well, you! Of all the things in your environment, the people often around you and the places you frequent typically wield [Read More]

Martial Word Wednesday: Sensei (先生)

February 3, 2021 Jaredd Wilson 0

Origin: Japanese Besides the words “Black Belt”, there are few words that conjure up the idea of martial arts in English speaker’s minds more than “Sensei.” So much so, that it’s essentially worked its way into the English lexicon. The same way someone would understand what a “Jedi” or a [Read More]

Martial Word Wednesday: Kung Fu (功夫)

January 27, 2021 Justin Lee Ford 0

功夫 (“Kung Fu” or Gōng fū”) Origin: Chinese (Mandarin) Pssst…wanna know a secret? Kung Fu isn’t for fighting! Ok, now that I’ve ruffled a few feathers, let me tell you what I actually mean; Kung Fu doesn’t translate to what you likely think it does. Believe it or not, it [Read More]

Martial Word Wednesday “Shodan; 初段”

January 13, 2021 Jaredd Wilson 0

Origin: Japanese Ranks are a very complex subject in martial arts. As such they are highly debated. The exact meaning of the coveted “black belt” varies by system to system, and even school to school. Most modern Japanese martial arts, and quite a few others, have adopted the kyu/dan belt [Read More]

Martial Word Wednesday “Menkyo; 免許”

January 6, 2021 Jaredd Wilson 0

Origin: Japanese The definition of a menkyo is a license. In koryu (see previous Martial Word Wednesday), these are certificates that the soke (inheritor of the system) gave to those allowed to teach the art. In some ways, this is the equivalent of a shodan or black belt today. These [Read More]

Martial Word Wednesday “koryu; 古流”

December 30, 2020 Jaredd Wilson 0

Koryu is a Japanese word which literally translates as “old school.” Not in the modern, hip vernacular, but instead as a school that is old. It can also be translated to be “old style.” Koryu specifically refers to Japanese traditional art that developed before the Meiji restoration of 1868. In [Read More]

Martial Word Wednesday “Ura; 裏”

December 23, 2020 Jaredd Wilson 0

Ura; 裏 Ura has the general meaning of “behind” or “the other side.” However, there are several different levels of meaning and connotation occurring simultaneously in this word. Ura, in its usage in aikido and other Japanese martial arts, references a techniques that occurs after the attacker generated power or [Read More]

Martial Word Wednesday “Omote; 表”

December 16, 2020 Jaredd Wilson 0

Omote; 表 Omote has a general meaning of “outer” or “surface.” But like many things in Japanese culture and language, it has a couple layers of understanding occurring all at the same time. The term in aikido specifically, and Japanese martial arts in general, refers to a technique that occurs [Read More]

Martial Word Wednesday “-do; 道”

December 9, 2020 Jaredd Wilson 0

Many martial arts come from other cultures with different languages. This new weekly article, Martial Word Wednesday, is designed to shed some light on some of the ideas present in other languages that don’t necessarily have a place in English. -do Do is a suffix that is used in Japanese [Read More]

Martial Word Wednesday-“bu; 武”

December 2, 2020 Jaredd Wilson 0

Many martial arts come from other cultures with different languages. This new weekly article, Martial Word Wednesday, is designed to shed some light on some of the ideas present in other languages that don’t necessarily have a place in English. Bu Etymology is the study of word origins. In English, [Read More]

Swords Are Cool…That’s All I’ve Got

March 4, 2021 Jaredd Wilson 1

So, you do martial arts? Whenever you tell someone that you do martial arts, I’ll near guarantee that what pops into their head is an image of rows of people in white gi punching in unison to the commands of an instructor in the front of the room. Although that [Read More]

Martial arts novice

The Martial Musings of a Novice: An Introduction

February 27, 2018 Jeff Munoz 1

No Time Like The Present! It would be very hard to argue that today’s globalization and technological advancements have made the world closer and more connected. What does this mean for the martial arts? Three words; communication, community, and information. We can now communicate and make connections with pretty much [Read More]

Kanji for Sensei

Sensei Jeff, Why Is That?

February 8, 2024 Jeff Hutchings 1

When I was walking out of the Dojo after my Sandan testing my head was full. I had already gotten my results and I was successful, but I had the same feelings that any sincerely dedicated Karate devotee would have: Where could I have done better? Did I scrape through [Read More]

The Partial Artist

The Partial Artist

October 13, 2021 Donivan Blair 0

Ever met the guy who decides, often unsolicited, to describe the many martial arts he has trained in? The person before you could be a human cornucopia of combat systems, information you would never have had if you hadn’t asked. But wait… you didn’t. You can’t stop and you won’t [Read More]